Links to additional WTC / Ground Zero information

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Here is New York has many galleries of photographs of the World Trade Center, 9/11 and the aftermath

Washington Post

Map and diagram of the site with times of the events and photos

Measuring the Rubble

Subterranean Collapse Diagram

CNN page with several 3-D diagrams of the site

Information on the building from where the photographs on this website were taken

Wired New York World Trade Center Map page World Trade Center page with facts and figures about the buildings World Trade Center page with facts and figures and many links to photos

The University of Sidney civil engineering department offers an explanation on how the buildings collapsed

Cosmiverse has information on the special techniques used to fight the stubborn underground fires. Attack on America gallery.  Here you can view several very large, very high quality (1-meter resolution) satellite images of Ground Zero in Manhattan as well as the Pentagon. 

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